I am still using SEAPCP's CO principles in my work. My role is mainly supporting communities in their CO processes and I am currently working with PGT group (Kindergarten Teachers Association) now. I'm start travel to many places together with them and give awareness about CO and FOI (Freedom of Information) through radio and journalism training.
I am presently focusing on women and young people in different areas like Taiping, Batu Arang, Jinjang and Johor. I'm try to educate them about their basic human rights (especially women's right); freedom of information(the importance of community media in Malaysia and how media is controlled by corporate companies, advertisement companies and politicians) and how they can be involved through CO processes to solve their problems.
We (CIJ and PGT) are organizing a youth Camp in February 2010 to educate them about their basic rights and encourage them to support their CO processes through producing radio programmes and writing articles to newspaper or create own newsletter. Although am not directly involve in the CO processes but I still use the principles in all my activities.
Currently I am busy with "16 days activism - end violence against women project" together with the JAGs (Joint Action Group for Gender Equality). In this project, we encourage women and young girls to use ICTs to create awareness about their rights. For example we encourage them to produce:
Audio programmes - script writing, recording and editing;
Make simple video - using photos, audacity and Windows movie maker software. At the same time we also organize a workshop - where we'll play simple video on how media portrayed women, then ask them to do discussion and produce audio programmes based on that ( what I have learned in the advance SEAPCP CO Course!);
Blogging - we'll launch a blog in Tamil on 24th November where we encourage women to write in blog about their rights and problems.
SMS campaign
Quotes campign
At the same time, I am also trying hard to develop jinjang youth as community trainers and try to involve them in internships and become model for upcoming youth.
My work is totally different from all my CO friends where they are directly involved with communities but I'm not. I'm doing it slowly. I've put my youth training pictures in my Facebook (feel free to see it).
S. Thanam
Community Training Officer
Centre for Independent Journalism